
Phylogenetic and Tree‐Of‐Life analysis of histone H3 proteins was performed for more than 600 eukaryotic species across all major phyla using available sequence database information, examining and curating more than 5000 sequences. A major aim of this study was to determine whether Replication‐Independent constitutively expressed and Replication‐Coupled S phase expressed histone H3 variants identified in animal and plant phyla arose from a single gene duplication event. Alternatively, did independent gene duplication events with analogous functional differentiation give rise to functionally similar RI and RC H3 histones in animals and plants? Multiple histone H3 gene duplication events were identified and some were correlated with functional histone H3 diversification. Experimental assessment of RI‐ and RC‐functions in coexisting H3 variants in selected species will be required. Uncertainty in the evolutionary relationship between various protist phyla and the animal‐plant‐fungal crown phyla as yet prevents a definitive answer to the major question posed. Conservation and variability of all 135 canonical histone H3 protein residues was determined, revealing almost absolute conservation of all residues for which post‐synthetic modifications have been observed in any crown phylum species: lysine acetylation and methylation, serine and threonine phosphorylation, and arginine methylation.

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