
ObjectivesPorphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is common and usually associated with HCV chronic infection and HFE polymorphisms. Since DAA IFN-free regimens availability, SVR for HCV is nearly a constant and we wonder whether HCV SVR determine PCT evolution. MethodsRetrospective observational study including patients with HCV associated PCT from the Gastroenterology and Infectious Diseases Departments at our Hospital, treated with DAA (Apr/2015–Apr/2017). Clinical variables of PCT were collected at PCT diagnosis, after PCT treatment, before DAA use and after SVR achievement. UROD activity and C282Y/H63D polymorphisms were registered. SPSS 22.0. Results13 HCV-PCT patients included: median age 52.5 years; 4 females; 8 HCV/HIV co-infected (all on undetectable viral load). Classical PCT factors: 12 smoked, 9 alcohol abuse, 6 former IDU. 10 type I PCT and 1 type II PCT. HFE polymorphism: 2 cases with C282Y/H63D; H63D polymorphism in 8. PCT manifestations resolved with PCT treatment in 4 patients, almost completely in 7 patients, 1 patient referred stabilization and one worsened. After DAA treatment all the residual lesions resolved, what always led to specific treatment interruption. ConclusionsOur series of cases of HCV-associated PCT shows that SVR after DAA treatment leads to PCT resolution. Porphyrin levels are not needed after ending PCT specific treatment interruption when there are no residual skin lesions in HCV-associated PCT.

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