
Abstract It’s been a few decades since military operations success has become difficult to define. During the Cold War, the outcome of a war between relatively symmetrical forces was predictable and the adversary was forced to admit defeat. In recent decades, the paradigm has changed radically in the political, diplomatic, and military domains, against the background of a geopolitical context characterized by complexity and instability, where the competitive struggle for hegemony between states is fierce and the proliferation of new risks, asymmetric, and hybrid threats requires the adaptation of strategies and capabilities to the new operational environment. New high-precision search-and-rescue, missile, communications and computing systems are a clear technological opportunity, and their ownership and usage is a real prerequisite for success in military operations. These sophisticated, integrated and synchronised technologies are, and will remain in the future, vectors of strategic deterrence because of their ability to detect and engage targets with maximum accuracy and effectiveness.

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