
In the remarkably short span of 2years, longwave infrared focal plane arrays (FPAs) of Type-II InAs/GaSb strained layer superlattice (SLS) photodiodes have advanced from 320×256 format to 1024×1024 format while simultaneously shrinking the pitch from 30μm to 18μm. Despite a dark current that is presently higher than state-of-the-art mercury cadmium telluride photodiodes with the same ∼10μm cutoff wavelength, the high pixel operability and high (∼50%) quantum efficiency of SLS FPAs enable excellent imagery with temporal noise equivalent temperature difference better than 30mK with F/4 optics, integration time less than 1ms, and operating temperature of 77K or colder. We present current FPA performance of this promising sensor technology.

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