
The article examines the notion of security as an interdisciplinary notion in the conceptual and categorical apparatus of jurisprudence. The article determines the approaches of domestic and foreign researche to understanding this category from the point of view of politics, economics, sociology, law, etc. It is emphasized that the intensification of scientific interest to the security issue led to the identification of a few main directions of research on it, in particular: theoretical and methodological comprehension of the modern foundations of the human security issue, of the sources and prerequisites of all kinds of threats to its existence, of the possible scenarios of the development of social processes, etc.; theoretical and applied research on the most important components of the security issue, such as economic, political, military, technogenic, ecological, social and other types of security, that is, the entire complex of national security issues that are recognized as a priority in any civilized society, any modern state; specific research on the state of social objects in the subject field of the security issue, determination of parameters of stability of social systems, of possible structural deformations at various societal levels, of social reflection of an individual on the impact of threats, etc. The research on the notion of security has initially developed within the framework of the theory of international relations and is based on three main approaches, the ideas of which were established as early as the New Age. Scientific approaches to the analysis of security in democratic states are based on the study of systemic elements of security: interests, values, threats, objects, subjects, tools and the correlation of their content with democratic ideals. A comprehensive systemic approach allows determining the elements of the security maintenance system and their features in political systems of various types, finding rational and effective solutions to security maintenance issues, taking into account human interests, ensuring their rights and freedoms. However, under the influence of external and internal factors, in various types of democratic regimes, such systems of national security and methods of its maintenance are formed, which do not always correspond to ideal perceptions of democracy and of protection of human rights. At the same time, it is emphasized that new dangers and threats force even established democratic states to limit freedoms and human rights and to derogate from democratic ideals. Derogation from democratic principles for the sake of security ultimately creates dangers and threats for the individual, society and the state. Therefore, modern security researchers face the task of finding a balance between democracy and security, as well as identifying the features of its maintenance systems in democratic states.

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