
AbstractRapid divergence of male genitalia is one of the most general evolutionary trends in animals with internal fertilization, but the mechanisms of genital evolution are poorly understood. The current study represents the first comprehensive attempt to test the main hypotheses that have been suggested to account for genital evolution (the lock‐and‐key, sexual selection and pleiotropy hypotheses) with intraspecific data. We measure multivariate phenotypic selection in a water strider species, by relating five different components of fitness (mating frequency, fecundity, egg hatching rate, offspring survival rate and offspring growth rate) to a suite of genital and non‐genital morphological traits (in total 48). Body size had a series of direct effects in both sexes. Large size in females was positively related to both fecundity and egg hatching rate. There was positive sexual selection for large size in males (mating frequency), which to some extent was offset by a reduced number of eggs laid by females mated to large males. Male genitalic morphology influenced male mating frequency, but the detected directional selection on genitalia was due to indirect selection on phenotypically correlated non‐intromittent traits. Further, we found no assortative mating between male intromittent genitalia and female morphology. Neither did we find any indications of male genitalia conveying information of male genetic quality. Several new insights can be gained from our study. Most importantly, our results are in stark disagreement with the long standing lock‐and‐key hypothesis of genital evolution, as well as with certain models of sexual selection. Our results are, however, in agreement with other models of sexual selection as well as with the pleiotropy hypothesis of genital evolution. Fluctuating asymmetry of bilaterally symmetrical traits, genital as well as non‐genital, had few effects on fitness. Females with low fluctuating asymmetry in leg length produced offspring with a higher survival rate, a pattern most proba bly caused by direct phenotypic maternal effects. We also discuss the relevance of our results to sexual conflict over mating, and the evolution of sexual traits by coevolutionary arms races between the sexes.

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