
During a stellar tidal disruption event (TDE), an accretion disk forms as stellar debris returns to the disruption site and circularizes. Rather than being confined within the circularizing radius, the disk can spread to larger radii to conserve angular momentum. A spreading disk is a source of matter for re-accretion at rates which can exceed the later stellar fallback rate, although a disk wind can suppress its contribution to the central black hole accretion rate. A spreading disk is detectible through a break in the central accretion rate history, or, at longer wavelengths, by its own emission. We model the evolution of TDE disk size and accretion rate, by accounting for the time-dependent fallback rate, for the influence of wind losses in the early, advective stage, and for the possibility of thermal instability for accretion rates intermediate between the advection-dominated and gas-pressure dominated states. The model provides a dynamic basis for modeling TDE light curves. All or part of a young TDE disk will precess as a solid body due to Lense-Thirring effect, and precession may manifest itself as quasi-periodic modulation of light curve. The precession period increases with time. Applying our results to the jetted TDE candidate Swift J1644+57, whose X-ray light curve shows numerous quasi-periodic dips, we argue that the data best fit a scenario in which a main-sequence star was fully disrupted by an intermediate mass black hole on an orbit significantly inclined from the black hole equator, with the apparent jet shutoff at t= 500 d corresponding to a disk transition from the advective state to the gas-pressure dominated state.

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