
Freeze-thaw cycles induce substantial durability concerns for concrete infrastructures in cold regions. Traditional approaches to assess freeze-thaw degradation in concrete necessitate extensive environmental and mechanical testing, which are both resource-intensive and time-consuming. This paper introduces a concrete freeze-thaw damage constitutive model, designed for the accurate and efficient quantitative evaluation and prediction of the evolution in concrete's mechanical properties post freeze-thaw cycles. This model specifically considers the impact of supplementary cementitious materials, like diatomite. A numerical program was then developed to simulate the stress-strain responses of both diatomite-enhanced and ordinary concrete under freeze-thaw conditions. Based on these insights, the model was extended to structural members, creating a seismic and static finite element simulation methodology. The findings demonstrate the improvements in the mechanical performance of diatomite- incorporated concrete subjected to both static and seismic loads. This model offers theoretical support for predicting the mechanical behavior evolution of concrete materials and structures in cold climate regions.

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