
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia virus (VHSv) is an RNA rhabdovirus that causes one of the most important finfish diseases, affecting over 70 marine and freshwater species. It was discovered in European cultured fish in 1938 and since has been described across the Northern Hemisphere. Four strains and several substrains have been hypothesized, whose phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary radiation are evaluated here in light of a quasispecies model, including an in-depth analysis of the novel and especially virulent new substrain (IVb) that first appeared in the North American Laurentian Great Lakes in 2003. We analyze the evolutionary patterns, genetic diversity, and biogeography of VHSv using all available RNA sequences from the glycoprotein (G), nucleoprotein (N), and non-virion (Nv) genes, with Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Results indicate that the G gene evolves at an estimated rate of μ=2.58×10−4 nucleotide substitutions per site per year, the N gene at μ=4.26×10−4, and Nv fastest at μ=1.25×10−3. Phylogenetic trees from the three genes largely are congruent, distinguishing strains I–IV as reciprocally monophyletic with high bootstrap and posterior probability support. VHSv appears to have originated from a marine ancestor in the North Atlantic Ocean, diverging into two primary clades: strain IV in North America (the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean), and strains I–III in the Northeastern Atlantic region (Europe). Strain II may comprise the basal group of the latter clade and diverged in Baltic Sea estuarine waters; strains I and III appear to be sister groups (according to the G and Nv genes), with the former mostly in European freshwaters and the latter in North Sea marine/estuarine waters. Strain IV is differentiated into three monophyletic substrains, with IVa infecting Northeastern Pacific salmonids and many marine fishes (with 44 unique G gene haplotypes), IVb endemic to the freshwater Great Lakes (11 haplotypes), and a newly-designated IVc in marine/estuarine North Atlantic waters (five haplotypes). Two separate substrains independently appeared in the Northwestern Pacific region (Asia) in 1996, with Ib originating from the west and IVa from the east. Our results depict an evolutionary history of relatively rapid population diversifications in star-like patterns, following a quasispecies model. This study provides a baseline for future tracking of VHSv spread and interpreting its evolutionary diversification pathways.

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