
The Middle Proterozoic sedimentary basin of southwestern portion of Amazonic Craton, called Aguapei Group in Brazil and Sunsas/Huanchaca in Bolivia mark the final stage of cratonization of this shield around 1,0 Ga, and has a particular interest for the study of gold mineralizations. The integration of available geological data such as their stratigraphic and sedimentological patterns, paleocdrrent indicators and tectonic syn-depositional history permits to delineate a paleogeographic picture dominated by alluvial/coastal plains and shallow marine shelf environment with subsidence axis controlled by weak zones inherited from the basement complex. The tectono-metamorphic history is recorded by the increase of deformation and higher degres of metamorphism to ENE direction with four distinct domains: a. flat lying platform covers; b. gently folded sedimentary pile; c. metasediments with symmetric folds associated with reverse faults; d. metasedimentary belt with folds and reverse faults.

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