
Comparison between the intended and performed motor action can be expected to occur in the final epoch of a voluntary movement. In search for electrophysiological correlates of this mental process the purpose of the current study was to identify intracerebral sites activated in final epoch of self-paced voluntary movement. Intracerebral EEG was recorded from 235 brain regions of 42 epileptic patients who performed self-paced voluntary movement task. Evoked potentials starting at 0 to 243ms after the peak of averaged, rectified electromyogram were identified in 21 regions of 13 subjects. The mean amplitude value of these late movement potentials (LMP) was 56.4±27.5μV. LMPs were observed in remote regions of mesiotemporal structures, cingulate, frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital cortices. Closely before the LMP onset, a significant increase of phase synchronization was observed in all EEG record pairs in 9 of 10 examined subjects; p<0.001, Mann-Whitney U test. In conclusion, mesiotemporal structures, cingulate, frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital cortices seem to represent integral functionally linked parts of network activated in final epoch of self-paced voluntary movement. Activation of this large-scale neuronal network was suggested to reflect a comparison process between the intended and actually performed motor action. Our results contribute to better understanding of neural mechanisms underlying goal-directed behavior crucial for creation of agentive experience.

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