
The recording of evoked potentials (EPs) has become one of the most useful functional diagnostic techniques in the neurosciences during recent years. In combination with the neurophysiological investigation of brain stem reflexes (BSRs) EPs provide good information concerning circumscribed and diffuse brain and brain stem lesions. In this article the role of EPs and BSRs will be pointed out with special regard to their use in neurosurgery concerning awake and comatose patients as well. Pathological findings caused by extracerebral factors or due to neurological (systemic) and otological diseases will be discussed from the aspect of differential diagnosis only. Evoked potentials described in this paper are short latency potentials which are related to more or less defined generators in the peripheral and central nervous system. EPs of long latency seem to play a role in cognitive, affective and integrative functions of the central nervous system and they will not be dealt with in this article. In recent years an increasing number of review articles and monographs dealing with several aspects of evoked potentials has appeared [16, 17, 18, 25, 69, 80, 84, 122, 123, 124, 127, 130].

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