
This research was financed by the project Gestion de la Informacion y Estructuracion Linguistica [Information Management and Linguistic Structuring] (GestInf), of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FFI2017-85441-R) and by the project Variacion y cambio linguistico en catalan. Una aproximacion diacronica segun la linguistica de corpus [Variation and Linguistic Change in Catalan. A diachronic approach according to corpus linguistics] (VARIALINGCA) also of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FFO PGC2018-099399-B-I00). This work was additionally supported by the research group “Linguistic Variation in Catalan (VaLingCat)”, University of Valencia (Ref: GIUV2017-397) and by the project Elaboracio d’un corpus oral dialectal del valencia col·loquial [Preparation of a Dialectal Oral Corpus of Colloquial Valencian] (CorDiVal), funded by the Valencian Government (Generalitat Valenciana, Ref. GV/2017/094).

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