
AbstractThe aim of this paper is to shed light on the evidentiality functions used by the comedian Andreu Buenafuente during his monologues in Spanish (2007–2011). Firstly, some hypotheses are proposed: (1) genre may determine pragmatic evidentiality functions; (2) evidentials are integrated into a monologue’s expository-argumentative structure; (3) several evidentiality strategies may be distinguished with regard to this structural role; (4) one of these strategies in humorous texts consists of acting as a humorous evidentiality marker. Secondly, reportative evidentials (Willet, 1988;Plungian 2001;Dendale & Tasmowski, 2001, p. 343) such assegún, según dicen, dicen que(‘[they/people]) say’) andse ve que(lit. ‘it is seen that/apparently’), and a direct attested evidential,claro(‘of course’), are analyzed. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses serve as the basis to confirm the hypotheses posed and finally to propose a semantic-pragmatic framework for evidentials and evidentialty in Andreu Buenafuente’s humorous monologues. The corpus comprises 203 printed monologues from the booksSigo diciendo(‘I still say’) (2009),Digo yo(‘So I say’) (2010) andHablar es gratis(‘Speaking is free of charge’) (2011).

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