
To improve database system quality as well as runtime use of conceptual models, many logic-based reconstructions of conceptual data modelling languages have been proposed in a myriad of logics. They each cover their features to a greater or lesser extent and are typically motivated from a logic viewpoint. This raises questions such as what would be an evidence-based common core and what is the optimal language profile for a conceptual modelling language family. Based on a common metamodel of UML Class Diagrams (v2.4.1), ER/EER, and ORM/2’s static elements, a set of 101 conceptual models, and availing of computational complexity insights from Description Logics, we specify these profiles. There is no known DL language that matches exactly the features of those profiles and the common core is small (in the tractable $$\mathcal {ALNI}$$ ). Although hardly any inconsistencies can be derived with the profiles, it is promising for scalable runtime use of conceptual data models.

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