
The inadequacy of most of traditional sources for medical information, like textbook and review article, do not sustained the clinical decision based on the best evidence current available, exposing the patient to a unnecessary risk. Although not integrated around clinical problem areas in the convenient way of textbooks, current best evidence from specific studies of clinical problems can be found in an increasing number of Internet and electronic databases. The sources that have already undergone rigorous critical appraisal are classified as secondary information sources, others that provide access to original article or abstract, as primary information source, where the quality assessment of the article rely on the clinician oneself . The most useful primary information source are SciELO, the online collection of Brazilian scientific journals, and Medline, the most comprehensive database of the USA National Library of Medicine, where the search may start with use of keywords, that were obtained at the structured answer construction (P.I.C.O.), with the addition of boolean operators "AND", "OR", "NOT". Between the secondary information sources, some of them provide critically appraised articles, like ACP Journal Club, Evidence Based Medicine and InfoPOEMs, others provide evidences organized as online texts, such as "Clinical Evidence" and "UpToDate", and finally, Cochrane Library are composed by systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials. To get studies that could answer the clinical question is part of a mindful practice, that is, becoming quicker and quicker and dynamic with the use of PDAs, Palmtops and Notebooks.


  • The inadequacy of most of traditional sources for medical information, like textbook and review article, do not sustained the clinical decision based on the best evidence current available, exposing the patient to a unnecessary risk

  • Not integrated around clinical problem areas in the convenient way of textbooks, current best evidence from specific studies of clinical problems can be found in an increasing number of Internet and electronic databases

  • The sources that have already undergone rigorous critical appraisal are classified as secondary information sources, others that provide access to original article or abstract, as primary information source, where the quality assessment of the article rely on the clinician oneself

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WANDERLEY MARQUES BERNARDO*, MOACYR ROBERTO CUCE NOBRE, FÁBIO BISCEGLI JATENE Trabalho realizado na Associação Médica Brasileira, São Paulo, SP. As fontes são consideradas secundárias quando as informações originais são reproduzidas, comentadas e avaliadas criticamente, de acordo com a metodologia preconizada pela epidemiologia clínica, como no ACP Journal Club, Evidence Based Medicine, InfoPOEMs. Para as situações clínicas que são freqüentes na nossa atividade, como a angina instável ou doenças tromboembólicas, para as quais surgem novas informações todos os dias, é melhor fazer a busca em bases primárias que as divulgam em primeira mão, com a desvantagem que deveremos dedicar mais tempo na avaliação crítica da validade de seus resultados[4]. Embora se utilizem de dados de trabalhos já publicados, apresentam características metodológicas que resultam em informações originais, e não devem ser confundidas com as fontes secundárias onde os trabalhos originais são avaliados individualmente. O processo de recuperação da informação em fontes de informação automatizadas, denominadas como base de dados, possibilita a pesquisa de modo interativo, através do Tabela 5 – Pergunta estruturada

OR aura
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