
Pyricularia oryzae is the etiological agent of rice blast, the most destructive disease in rice crops and chemical control based on fungicide is the main method used in its management. The aim of this study was characterize pathogenicity and identify P. oryzae isolates adapted to tricyclazole. P. oryzae monosporic isolates were collected in the state of Tocantins and inoculated in international differentiating series of rice cultivars for determination of pathotypes. After, the same isolates were inoculated in the rice cultivar IRGA 424 to evaluate resistance to fungicide Bim® 750 BR (Tricyclazole − 250 g/ha) that was applied 24 and 48 hours after pathogen inoculation (hai). Leaf blast severity and infection efficiency were evaluated 9 days after inoculation (dai), latency period (2 dai) and sporulation intensity (7 dai). Nine different pathotypes were identified, predominantly as IA group. The latent period of isolates occurred between from 48 to 120 h. The application of tricyclazole, 24 hai reduced disease severity with the exception of the isolate Py 7.1. The great variability of the pathogen allowed for adaptation to this molecule and can increase its aggressiveness and should be considered to guide the integrated management of the disease.

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