
Background: Electronic (e-) cigarettes are increasingly popular novel tobacco products on the US market. Traditional tobacco products are well known to cause vascular dysfunction, one of the earliest indicators of cardiovascular disease (CVD) development. Despite the popularity of e-cigarettes, little is known about the effect of regular e-cigarette use on vascular function. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of regular e-cigarette use on vascular function and cardiovascular health in young, healthy adults. Methods: Twenty-one regular users of e-cigarettes (ECU, age: 23±3 y.) and twenty-one demographically matched non-users (NU, age: 25±5 y.) completed this study. Vascular health was assessed in the cutaneous microcirculation through different reactivity tests to evaluate overall functionality as well as endothelium-dependent vasodilation (EDD) and endothelium-independent vasodilation (EID). Macrovascular function was assessed using flow-mediated dilation (FMD). Results: Our results suggest that regular users of e-cigarettes present with premature microvascular impairment compared to non-users. Specifically, they exhibit lower hyperemic ( p=0.003), thermal ( p=0.010), and EDD ( p=0.004) responses. No differences in EID between the groups were identified. We also identified that individuals who use e-cigarettes for longer than three years also present with systemic manifestations, as observed by significantly reduced macrovascular ( p=0.002) and microvascular ( p≤0.044) function. Conclusions: Our novel data suggests that young, apparently healthy, regular users of e-cigarettes present with premature vascular dysfunction in the microcirculation compared to non-users. We have also identified systemic vascular dysfunction affecting both the micro and macrovasculature in those young individuals who used e-cigarettes for longer than three years. Taken together, these findings associate regular e-cigarette use with premature vascular dysfunctions and adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Supported in part by a Rapid Response Project NIDA/FDA (PRM). This is the full abstract presented at the American Physiology Summit 2024 meeting and is only available in HTML format. There are no additional versions or additional content available for this abstract. Physiology was not involved in the peer review process.

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