
Non-human primates share recent common ancestry with humans and exhibit comparable disease symptoms. Here, we explored the transmission potential of enteric bacterial pathogens in monkeys exhibiting symptoms of recurrent diarrhoea in a biomedical research facility in China. The common zoonotic bacterium Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from macaques (Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis) and compared to isolates from humans and agricultural animals in Asia. Among the monkeys sampled, 5 % (44/973) tested positive for C. jejuni, 11 % (5/44) of which displayed diarrhoeal symptoms. Genomic analysis of monkey isolates, and 1254 genomes from various sources in Asia, were used to identify the most likely source of human infection. Monkey and human isolates shared high average nucleotide identity, common MLST clonal complexes and clustered together on a phylogeny. Furthermore, the profiles of putative antimicrobial resistance genes were similar between monkeys and humans. Taken together these findings suggest that housed macaques became infected with C. jejuni either directly from humans or via a common contamination source.

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