
The role of nutrition in echinoid growth and reproduction, as well as the mechanisms utilized to cope with food limitations in the deep sea remains under studied. We investigate echinoid feeding mechanisms within deep-sea submarine canyons in the NE Atlantic using a stable-isotope approach. Ten echinoid species were collected with a remotely operated vehicle. δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analyses (SIA) were conducted on echinoid tissues in order to investigate food sources assimilated with respect to nutrient partitioning between coexisting taxa, and seasonal dietary changes in food supply. Gut content analysis was conducted in conjunction with SIA.Echinoid taxa spanned three benthic trophic levels. This large trophic range might suggest an expansion of the trophic niches of echinoid taxa possibly to reduce interspecific competition for limited food resources. Evidence of nutrient partitioning among coexisting taxa was also found in the carbon data. Significant interspecific differences were found in the δ13C signatures of the somatic and reproductive tissues suggesting that different sources of carbon are assimilated into all tissues after the deposition of phytodetritus has taken place on the deep sea floor. However, this pattern differed for the data obtained before the deposition of phytodetritus; similar sources of carbon were assimilated into somatic tissues of different taxa, while some of these different taxa utilized significantly different sources of carbon to manufacture their reproductive tissues.While specific food sources could not be resolved from the carbon data of the present study, enriched δ15N values suggest that echinoids incorporate foods with distinctly higher δ15N values than that of POM and sediment, which could result from opportunistic feeding as well as bioerosion of the live coral framework and consequent grazing of fauna attached to the dead coral infrastructure.Seasonally deposited phytodetritus was incorporated into the reproductive tissues of the seasonal breeder, Gracilechinus alexandri, but not those of continuous breeders, Cidaroida and Echinothurioida. The material however was also found to support somatic tissue growth in cidaroids. These results suggest that seasonal breeders might utilize surface-derived phytodetritus to manufacture reproductive tissues, while continuous breeders might only utilize it for somatic tissue growth or not at all. Results for seasonal dietary shifts were compromised by poor spatial repeatability and thus require further investigation to understand better the role of phytodetritus in fuelling the growth and reproduction of deep-sea echinoids.

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