
The major isoenzymes of human hexosaminidase have the structures alpha beta 2 (hex A) and 2 beta 2 (hex B). In this study, we present evidence that the beta 2 subunit of hex B and hex BA (the form of hex B derived from hex A) is composed of two nonidentical polypeptide chains. We have called these chains beta a and beta b. They have similar molecular weights (25,000) but have pI values that differ by 1 unit. We have used a two-dimensional analytical gel electrophoresis method in combination with peptide mapping to compare the primary sequence structure of the two beta chains. In this method, the polypeptide chains of hex B or hex BA were first separated by isoelectric focusing in 8.5 M urea. The separated chains were subjected to partial proleolytic digestion in the stacking gel of a second NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel with subsequent separation of peptides by electrophoresis into the second gel. Partial digestion by protease V8 or papain showed that the beta a and beta b species have distinct primary structures, neither of which was similar to that of the alpha chain. On the basis of these results, we suggest that the beta 2 subunit of hexosaminidase has the structure of beta a beta b. The possibility that the distinct beta chains are encoded by a single gene is discussed in the light of genetic and other data.

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