
Abstract This paper presents observational evidence of the different dynamical behavior of neutral and ionized species in solar prominences. The analysis of a time-series of Sr ii 4078 Å and Na D spectra in a quiescent prominence yields systematically larger Doppler shifts (line-of-sight velocities) for the ions V LOS(Sr ii) = 1.22 × V LOS(Na D). Both lines show a 30 minute oscillation of good coherence. Sixteen hours later the same prominence underwent marked morphological changes (with a rising dome), and the Sr ii velocity excess dropped to V LOS(Sr ii) = 1.11 ×V LOS(Na D). The same excess is found for the line pair Fe ii 5018 Å and He i 5015 Å. The widths of the ionic lines, mainly non-thermally broadened, are not related to the macro-velocities. The emission ratio of Na D and Sr ii, a measure of the electron density, yields n e = 4 × 1010 cm−3, shows no relation with the V LOS variation or with height above the limb, and seems to be reduced 16 hr later during the active phase. We apply a new wavelength reference from aureola spectra, which is independent of photospheric velocity fields.

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