
AbstractIn this study, we present evidence for the use of slingstones and other projectile stones among the ancient Maya peoples of the Usumacinta River region. Rounded stones are frequently found across Maya archaeological sites and are given a range of interpretations, including objects for flintknapping, cooking, ritual, divination, and less often as weapons. Here we provide new evidence for the identification of rounded stones as weapons based on their morphology as well as their context of recovery. We employ data from the sites of Macabilero, Guatemala, and Budsilha, Mexico, which strongly suggest rounded stones at these sites were manufactured to be used as weapons. These findings have implications for how we understand warfare and hunting in ancient Mesoamerica and inform our interpretation of how the Maya prepared for such activities. As a class of weapon potentially accessible to most members of Maya society, the results presented here show the importance of more inclusive perspectives on Maya warfare and the necessity of contextualizing artifact analysis within the occupation history of the broader site and region.

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