
A neuromodulatory role for nitric oxide has been reported for magnocellular neuroendocrine cells in mammalian hypothalamus. We examined its potential as a local intercellular messenger in the neuroendocrine Dahlgren cell population of the caudal neurosecretory system (CNSS) of the euryhaline flounder. Immunocytochemistry using an antibody raised against human neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) indicated the presence of NOS in the Dahlgren cells. Quantitative RT-PCR, using a flounder-specific probe, revealed NOS mRNA expression in the CNSS. In July, though not in September, NOS mRNA expression was significantly higher in fish fully adapted to seawater, compared to freshwater-adapted fish. Following acute transfer of fish from freshwater to seawater, NOS mRNA expression was elevated at 8 h and then recovered by 24 h. In pharmacological experiments in vitro, application of NO donors (SNAP, SNP) caused an increase in electrical activity (firing frequency) of Dahlgren cells, recruitment of previously silent cells, together with a greater proportion of cells showing phasic (irregular) activity. The NOS substrate, l-arginine, led to increased firing frequency, cell recruitment and enhanced bursting activity. However, this effect was not blocked by the NOS inhibitor L-NAME. These findings suggest that NO acts as a modulator within the CNSS, potentially enhancing electrical activity and hence secretory output. A role in supporting adaptation to hyperosmotic conditions is also indicated.

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