
Abstract Molecular species in planetary atmospheres provide key insights into their atmospheric processes and formation conditions. In recent years, high-resolution Doppler spectroscopy in the near-infrared has allowed detections of H2O and CO in the atmospheres of several hot Jupiters. This method involves monitoring the spectral lines of the planetary thermal emission Doppler-shifted due to the radial velocity of the planet over its orbit. However, aside from CO and H2O, which are the primary oxygen- and carbon-bearing species in hot H2-rich atmospheres, little else is known about the molecular compositions of hot Jupiters. Several recent studies have suggested the importance and detectability of nitrogen-bearing species in such atmospheres. In this Letter, we confirm potential detections of CO and H2O in the hot Jupiter HD 209458b using high-resolution spectroscopy. We also report a cross-correlation peak with a signal-to-noise ratio of 4.7 from a search for HCN. The results are obtained using high-resolution phase-resolved spectroscopy with the Very Large Telescope CRyogenic high-resolution InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph (VLT CRIRES) and standard analysis methods reported in the literature. A more robust treatment of telluric contamination and other residuals would improve confidence and enable unambiguous molecular detections. The presence of HCN could provide constraints on the C/O ratio of HD 209458b and its potential origins.

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