
Context. It is well established that classical T Tauri stars accrete material from a circumstellar disk through magnetic fields. However, the physics regulating the processes in the inner (0.1 AU) disk is still not well understood. Aims. Our aim is to characterize the accretion process of the classical T Tauri Star RU Lup. Methods. Optical high-resolution spectroscopic observations with CHIRON and ESPRESSO were obtained simultaneously with photometric data from AAVSO and TESS. Results. We detected a periodic modulation in the narrow component of the He I 5876 line with a period that is compatible with the stellar rotation period, indicating the presence of a compact region on the stellar surface that we identified as the footprint of the accretion shock. We show that this region is responsible for the veiling spectrum, which is made up of a continuum component plus narrow line emission that fills in the photospheric lines. An analysis of the high-cadence TESS light curve reveals quasi-periodic oscillations on timescales shorter than the stellar rotation period, suggesting that the accretion disk in RU Lup extends inward of the corotation radius, with a truncation radius at ~2 R*. This is compatible with predictions from three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic models of accretion through a magnetic boundary layer (MBL). In this scenario, the photometric variability of RU Lup is produced by a nonsta-tionary hot spot on the stellar surface that rotates with the Keplerian period at the truncation radius. We also qualitatively discuss how more complex hot spot shapes may generate the same variability pattern. The analysis of the broad components of selected emission lines reveals the existence of a non-axisymmetric, temperature-stratified flow around the star, in which the gas leaves the accretion disk at the truncation radius and accretes onto the star channeled by the magnetic field lines. The unusually rich metallic emission line spectrum of RU Lup might be characteristic of the MBL regime of accretion. Conclusions. Our extensive multiwavelength database of RU Lup reveals many similarities to predictions from the scenario of accretion through a magnetic boundary layer. Alternative explanations would require the existence of a hot spot with a complex shape, perhaps made of two brighter knots, or a warped structure in the inner disk.

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