
Thermal cues are widely used by ectoparasites to find and exploit hosts. Recently, the wing louse Columbicola columbae (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) was shown to use thermo-orientation when migrating between host microhabitats. Here, we study the control systems governing thermo-orientation by motion tracking wing lice on spatial and temporal heat gradients. As previously demonstrated, lice placed on spatial heat gradients successfully located nearby heat targets. Unilateral antennectomies were then used to remove spatial aspects of the thermal cue. These lice were still capable of locating heat targets, suggesting their response relied on tracking changes in the cue over time (idiothetic control). Course control was accomplished via angular corrections after louse body-angles deviated from the heat target. Louse behavior on temporal heat gradients provided additional evidence for idiothetic control— lice altered turn size and velocity after temperatures uniformly shifted without any spatial reference. We also show that lice are likely capable of responding to spatial aspects of the cue, consistent with allothetic control. On the spatial heat gradient, lice with two antennae were more efficient at locating heat targets as compared to those with unilateral antennectomies. Additionally, when traveling along temperature isoclines (where lice can detect spatial but not temporal aspects of the cue), lice with two antennae consistently turned towards the heat target, while those with unilateral antennectomies showed no preference. In all, we find evidence that lice can use both idiothetic and allothetic control during thermo-orientation, and likely integrate information from these two systems to guide movements on hosts.

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