
The Upper Devonian Chattanooga Shale of central Tennessee, a classical black shale, was deposited in an epicontinental setting, west of the Appalachian foredeep. Its finely laminated and highly carbonaceous nature is commonly interpreted to indicate deposition in comparatively deep and stagnant water. Interbeds of bioturbated greenish-gray shale, indicating oxygenated bottom waters, are commonly ascribed to pycnocline fluctuations. However, laminated fine sand and silt and hummocky cross-stratification (HCS) at the base of some of these beds indicates interaction of storm waves with the seabed, and suggests that greenish-gray shale beds are post-storm mud drapes. Other interesting features are inclined-undulose erosion surfaces that are conformably overlain by shale beds, sets of inclined shale beds that suggest low-angle cross-bedding, and clearly and uniformly developed alignment of clay particles (magnetic fabric studies). These observations show that the seabed was at times subject to prolonged erosion by bottom currents (erosion surfaces), agitation and reworking by storm waves (HCS and greenish-gray shale beds), and sediment transport by long-lived bottom currents (particle alignment). The epicontinental sea setting and the presence of HCS and other storm-produced features suggest a relatively shallow water depth (possibly only a few tens of meters). Together with abundant evidence of variably strong bottom currents and bioturbation of black and gray shale beds this suggests that abundant planktonic organic matter production rather than stagnant bottom waters are the primary cause for black shale formation.

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