
Following the discovery by Anderson and Wong of isobaric analog states1 in (p,n) reactions (equivalent to superallowed or giant Fermi transitions in β decay) a giant Gamow-Teller(G-T), or spin-flip, transition in charge-exchange reactions was predicted.2 Subsequently, a broad, structured peak in the 90Zr(p,n)90Nb reacion was interpreted as verifying the predicted transition,3 a 0+ → 1+, T = 5 → T = 4 transition from the ground state of 90Zr to an excitation energy in 90Nb centered at 8.4 MeV. Some of the neutron spectra of Doering, et al.4 are shown in Fig. 1. In each spectrum the isobaric analog of the ground state (IAS) of 90Zr is represented by the narrow peak at En = 33 MeV and the 1+ state by the broad peak around 30 MeV. If generalized to other nuclei, concentration of G-T strength at such excitation energies could account for the generally low rates of G-T decay from the ground states of radioactive nuclei.

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