
Research indicates that increases in total leaf area (A(T)) may fail to keep pace with increases in total leaf mass (M(L)) across plants differing in size (e.g., as measured by stem diameter, D). This "diminishing returns" hypothesis predicts that the scaling exponent for A(T) vs. M(L) will be less than one and that the exponent for specific leaf mass (i.e., A(T) / M(L)) vs. D will be negative. These predictions were examined using data from 46 plants ranging between 0.125 cm ≤ D ≤ 0.485 m across 25 woody dicot species. Standardized major axis slopes were used to quantify scaling exponents and random effects models were used to quantify species and size effects on the numerical values of exponents. The exponents for A(T) vs. M(L) and A(T) / M(L) vs. D differed among species and different species groupings. In general, the exponent for A(T) vs. M(L) was less than one and the exponent for A(T) / M(L) vs. D was negative, as predicted. However, random effects models indicated that species effects overshadowed size effects, although size effects were statistically significant. The diminishing returns hypothesis therefore receives statistical support, i.e., although the numerical values of exponents are "species-dependent," they are less than unity, as predicted by theory.

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