
This chapter, by way of comparison, elucidates Paul's argument when he teaches about the resurrection of Christ in 1 Cor 15, especially vv. 1-8a. The comparison in this case is intended to demonstrate the distinctive character of the Pauline presentation, especially with regard to its extremely lean, stylized form. The early Christian message about the death and resurrection of Christ dealt with peculiar matters, things which listeners could scarcely accept without further ado. When the evidence for Christ's resurrection which Paul recalls in 1 Cor 15:3b-8a is compared with the passion narrative in the synoptic Gospels, it is noted that the latter passages present a sober historical account of Jesus' suffering and death without spelling out their theological significance. Both the passion narrative and Paul's enumeration have always needed to be complemented with exposition and theology. Keywords: Christ's resurrection; early Christian message; Paul; synoptic Gospels

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