
This study attempts to determine whether the pathways from the guinea pig dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) to the inferior colliculus (IC) use gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as a transmitter. Injections of kainic acid (KA) were used to destroy neurons in the left DNLL. Two to 4 days after the injection, Nissl-stained sections through the lesion site showed destruction of the DNLL neurons. The lesions varied in size; 12-100% of the DNLL neurons were destroyed on the injected side without damage to the ipsilateral IC. Two to 4 days after the injection, the electrically evoked, Ca(2+)-dependent release and high-affinity uptake of [3H]GABA were measured in dissected pieces of the left and right IC. These activities were compared with those in the IC taken from unlesioned controls and from sham controls, which received injections of saline instead of KA. Each IC was divided into a dorsal piece, which contained the dorsal cortex and dorsomedial nucleus, and a ventral piece, which contained the central and lateral nuclei. Lesions of the left DNLL depressed the release and uptake of [3H]GABA in the ventral pieces of the IC, but there was a greater depression in the ventral IC contralateral to the lesioned DNLL. There were good correlations between the percentage of neuronal loss in the left DNLL and deficits in [3H]GABA release and uptake activities in the ipsi- and contralateral ventral IC. By contrast, there was no depression of [3H]GABA release and uptake in the dorsal pieces of the IC. The localization of the deficits in release and uptake appears to match the distribution of the synaptic endings of the DNLL pathways in the IC. This correspondence associates GABA release and uptake activities with the DNLL projections to the IC and, therefore, suggests that GABA may be a transmitter of these pathways. The release and uptake of [14C]glycine was also measured to determine whether glycine might be a transmitter of the DNLL pathways to the IC. Lesions of the left DNLL failed to alter the Ca(2+)-dependent release or the uptake of [14C]-glycine, suggesting that DNLL neurons are unlikely to use this compound as a transmitter.

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