
The geodynamic significance of Adamawa Yade Domain in Cameroon is still highly debated. This paper presents mineralogical, geochemical, zircon U–Pb age and Hf isotopic data for NNE-trending garnet-bearing pyroxeno-amphibolite (GPAm) and amphibolite (Am) bodies exposed in the Ititin area located at the Northwestern border of the Adamawa-Yadé domain in Cameroon. The GPAm and Am were dated by SIMS U–Pb zircon methods and yielded upper and lower intercept ages of 2065 ± 30 Ma and 557 ± 29 Ma, and 2054 ± 40Ma and 803 ± 320Ma, respectively. In the primitive mantle-normalized trace elements pattern, the metabasites display spike-like pattern, with enrichment in Th and La, and depletion in Nb, Zr, Hf, P and Ti although lower abundances are recorded in GPAm. GPAm yielded 176 Hf/177Hf initial ratios (0.281243 to 0.281491) with ϵHf (2.06Ga) values of −9.7 to −0.7 whereas the Am display 176 Hf/177Hf initial ratios (0.281143–0.281206) with values of ϵHf (t) of −12.2 to9.8.Geochemistry and geochronological data suggest that GPAm and Am originated from a subduction - modified lithospheric mantle and were emplaced at 2.06 Ga in a continental arc setting during the Paleoproterozoic event that formed the West Central Africa Fold Belt. Both the GPAm and Am were subsequently overprinted by the Pan-African orogeny.

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