
Eating disorders remain a significant concern in a culture where thinness is unduly emphasized, and where anorexia nervosa is disorder with highest premature fatality rate of any mental illness (Sullivan, 1995). Four out of five women in United States are dissatisfied with their appearance (Smolak, 1996), and forty percent of Americans have experienced an eating disorder or know someone who has (NEDA, 2005). Eating disorders often go unrecognized and undiagnosed due to lack of education and awareness about signs and symptoms of eating disorders in general public, an absence of societal sanctions for maintaining an unhealthy weight, and minimizing or denial of symptoms among people with eating disorders and their loved ones. In current economic climate, many individuals are finding cost of treatment to be an additional, significant obstacle. As mental health professionals, it is becoming more important than ever to make available effective treatment options that yield promising results in a relatively short time period. This study examines current issues related to implementing evidence-based practice in psychology for people with eating disorders, and examined effectiveness of a day treatment program for people with eating disorders. Evidence-Based Practice According to APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice (2006), field of psychology is fundamentally committed to evidence-based practices. The APA Task Force defined evidence-based practice in psychology (EBPP) as the integration of best available research with clinical expertise in context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences (2006, p.273). Thus, evidence-based practices are derived from three components, which are all relevant to good outcomes in psychotherapy: 1) research, 2) clinical expertise, and 3) individual patient characteristics. Therefore, when treating patients with eating disorders, it is best to keep in mind all three components. First, a thorough knowledge of outcome research is critical in deciding which interventions to use with eating disorder patients, and research offers a way to keep common human errors in judgment (e.g., confirmatory bias, self-enhancement bias, availability heuristic) in check. Yet, while one typically thinks of high-quality research as foundation for identifying true evidence-based interventions, clinical expertise is also essential for identifying and integrating best research evidence with clinical data, which is obtained through a relationship with patient over course of treatment (APA Task Force, 2006). Evidence-based treatments for eating disorders include cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa (Fairburn, 1985) and binge eating disorder (Wilson, Grilo, & Vitousek, 2007), and Maudsley approach to family-based treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa (Lock et al., 2001; Wilson, Grilo, & Vitousek, 2007). The second component, clinical expertise, is a less quantifiable, but equally important component that may include informal analysis, clinical experience, clinical observations, psychological theory, and consultation with colleagues (Shapiro, Friedberg, & Bardenstein, 2006). Though both research and clinical expertise have susceptibility to error, they can be integrated in such a way so as to maximize our overall understanding of both internal and external validity of a particular treatment intervention for people with eating disorders. In addition, research and practice share a commitment to providing best knowledge about psychological methods and treatment in order to improve patient care (Kazdin, 2008). According to APA Task Force, clinical expertise includes components such as a) assessment, diagnostic judgment, systematic case formulation, and treatment planning, b) clinical decision making, treatment implementation, and monitoring of patient progress, c) interpersonal expertise, d) continual self-reflection and acquisition of skills, e) evaluation and use of research evidence, f) understanding influence of individual, cultural, and contextual differences on treatment, g) seeking available resources as needed through consultation or alternative services, and h) a cogent rationale for clinical strategies. …

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