
The relevance of the stated topic lies in the need to improve the social policy of the state and large corporations aimed at creating favorable working and leisure conditions for employees, allowing them to perform their professional duties as efficiently as possible. Generalization of the experience of providing housing for railway workers in historical retrospect focuses on the successful solution of the problems that arise today. the lack of specialized research on the stated topic provides an opportunity to fill in the gaps in the reflection of the socio-economic history of Russia and the region in the first half of the twentieth century.The purpose of the study is to characterize the living conditions of Kursk railway workers in the 1920s and 1930s on the basis of archival sources and published works.Objectives: on the basis of the identified sources to reflect the issues of providing railwaymen with housing; to note the role of authorities and public organizations in creating decent living conditions for transport workers; to determine the specifics of providing public services to Kursk railwaymen.Methodology. The research was based on the principles of objectivity and historicism. To solve the tasks set by the author, the methods of historical-genetic, historical-systemic, historical-comparative, typological, retrospective were used.Results. The study of housing and living conditions of railway workers allowed us to give a detailed description of one of the key factors in the organization of labor activity of employees associated with the performance of an important state function for the transportation of passengers and cargo across the country and beyond.Conclusions. A significant increase in the volume of housing construction in the 1920s-1930s at the Kursk railway junction, the improvement of housing and living conditions of railway workers' families undoubtedly had a positive impact on the industrial and socio-political activity of railway transport workers.

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