
Abstract The final year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is proceeding against a background of renewed improvement in the quality of labor among all the nation's workforce. Having already behind them some remarkable achievements in terms of fulfilling the comprehensive socioeconomic program put forth by the Twenty-fourth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Soviet people are now doing their utmost to meet and surpass their obligations. The address of the Party Central Committee to the Party at large and to the Soviet people calling on all workers and collective farmers, on all Soviet citizens, to encourage socialist competition over a broad front in order to ensure the fulfillment and overfulfillment of the 1975 Plan and to bring the Ninth Five-Year Plan to a successful conclusion, has had an appreciable influence on the growth of lofty patriotic feelings in the Soviet people and on their conscientious efforts to apply themselves with full vigor to the tasks before them.

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