
Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is committed to long pulse high performance operation where plasma parameters will necessarily approach stability limits, which sets a higher demand on real-time events detection and handling (EDH). In order to enhance the current EAST plasma control system (PCS) events handling ability and explore a new intelligent scheduling mode for China Fusion Engineering Testing Reactor (CFTER) PCS, the EDH algorithm based on hierarchical finite state machines (HFSM) is designed in EAST plasma control system (PCS). The events and states in PCS were designed, and we successfully validated the state transition and algorithm scheduling. Moreover, a new event detection and processing for controlling hot spots of in-vessel components from hot spots is developed, and a simulation experiment is carried out in the closed-loop test environment between PCS and MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results show that the EDH algorithm could capture the exception in time and implement effective strategies with the change of hot spots temperature. The temperature of hot spots were prevented from reaching a drastic situation, which proved the effectiveness of the EDH to protect the internal components of the device.

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