
This article investigates the event-triggered output consensus problem for a class of unknown heterogeneous discrete-time linear multiagent systems in the presence of unmodeled dynamics. The agents have individual nominal dynamics with unknown parameters, and the unmodeled dynamics are in the form of multiplicative perturbations. A novel design framework is developed based on an event-triggered internal reference model and a distributed model reference adaptive controller. To deal with the heterogeneity of the multiagent system, the event-triggered internal reference model is designed to generate a virtual reference signal for each agent with a dynamic event-triggering mechanism being adopted to reduce the communication burden between neighboring agents. To handle the unknown parameters and unmodeled dynamics, the robust model reference adaptive controller is then designed to follow the generated virtual reference signal. It is shown that if the unmodeled dynamics satisfy certain conditions, then the boundedness of all the signals and variables in the closed-loop system and convergence of consensus errors to a residual set are guaranteed. Moreover, the consensus errors will converge to zero asymptotically in the absence of unmodeled dynamics. Compared with existing related works, the proposed framework is able to deal with the agents with individual unknown nominal dynamics and unmodeled dynamics. Moreover, the proposed framework is fully distributed in the sense that no knowledge of any global information is needed. Finally, the performance of the proposed method is validated by examples.

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