
Humans use socially relevant stimuli to guide perceptual processing of the surrounding environment, with emotional stimuli receiving preferential attention due to their social importance. Predictive coding theory asserts this cognitive process occurs efficiently by combining predictions about what is to be perceived with incoming sensory information, generating prediction errors that are then used to update future predictions. Recent evidence has identified differing neural activity that demonstrates how spatial and feature-based attention may interact with prediction, yet how emotion-guided attention may influence this relationship remains unknown. In the present study, participants viewed a display of two faces in which attention, prediction, and emotion were manipulated, and responded to a face expressing a specific emotion (anger or happiness). The N170 was found to be enhanced by unpredictable as opposed to predictable stimuli, indicating that it indexes general prediction error signalling processes. The N300 amplitudes were also enhanced by unpredictable stimuli, but they were also affected by the attentional status of angry but not happy faces, suggesting that there are differences in prediction error processes indexed by the N170 and N300. Overall, the findings suggest that the N170 and N300 both index violations of expectation for spatial manipulations of stimuli in accordance with prediction error responding processes.

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