
The study of the evaporation process of multicomponent liquid droplets was carried out in the work. In the simulation and experiments, an aqueous solution of ethanol of various concentrations, which is a binary non-ideal mixture with known physicochemical properties, was used as a mixture. The deviation of the solution properties from ideal was taken into account using the generalized dependence of the pressure of vapor components saturated above the solution on their concentration in the solution. Using an example of an aqueous ethanol solution, a deviation of the change in the diameter of the droplets from the “law d2” was shown, which is associated with a two-speed evaporation mode. During evaporation at a low concentration of ethanol, the temperature of the droplet was close to the temperature of adiabatic evaporation of water; at a high concentration of ethanol, it was close to the temperature of adiabatic evaporation of ethanol. Comparison of the results of the simulation with experiment showed satisfactory agreement.

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