
The most obvious gospel paradigm for theme evangelism and culture is parable of sower. The seed is Word of God. But as St Maximos Confessor wrote in seventh century, Word of God is constantly revealing himself, becoming embodied. The Word establishes created universe, heavens tell his glory, firmament his handiwork, for it is by Word that everything that was made came into existence and is sustained in being. The Word is embodied first of in entire cosmos. The Word in cosmos has been misunderstood, after It was as if Message revealed by Word was written, as C.S. Lewis once said, in letters too large for us to read clearly. In pre-Christian societies, he was wrongly identified with Neptune, Zeus, Adonus, Apollo, or in modern world with forces of natural world, with laws of chemistry, physiology, genetics. So in second embodiment Word became easier to decipher. The Word of God is also embodied in holy scriptures, in some ways in a more focused and understandable form. Even there, possibility of misinterpretation arose, and Scribes and Pharisees were constantly criticized for missing intended meaning of Law and Prophets. So ultimately, at fullness of time, Word became flesh and dwelt among us. He is called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He is called the Messiah, the the Way, Truth and Life. He calls himself the Bread, the Son of Man, Living Water, the Good Shepherd. All of this is Word of God, seed in parable of sower - and more. The gospel is also church, mystical body of Christ, and scattered seed can refer to evangelical establishment of church as faith spreads geographically throughout world. And fullness of gospel, of Christian faith, is Orthodoxy. The seed then means these - Word of God in embodiments, gospel of repentance, of kingdom, sacramental and iconographic presence of Christ, Truth of Orthodox faith. And none of these exist in a vacuum. The seed always requires a specific place, some soil, in which to grow. The Word of God as scripture must be expressed in human language, and language is culture. The gospel of kingdom must be preached in human words, and words are culture. The presence of Christ must convey, manifested with signs, symbols, art, music, liturgical action, sacrament, and this is culture. The Truth, like seed, needs soil in which to grow, and soil is culture. The seed in parable is scattered and some grows, some does not. But even seed that reaches maturity produces different harvests, some thirty or sixty or a hundredfold. The same truth, same gospel, same Christ, when introduced into a specific cultural context produces a unique harvest, for different soils have different levels of fertility. Climatic conditions vary from time to time and place to place. The reception of Word of God varies accordingly, not only as individuals hear gospel, understand Truth, confront Christ, enter church, but as cultures do as well. No one plants without expecting a harvest. The result church anticipates and for which it prepares, goal of that it says and does, is revealed in gospel passage read on more Sundays during church year than any other: John, ch. 17. It is no accident that church presents our Lord's prayer for unity to us more often than any other, for this is ultimate goal of his life and mission, fulfillment of gospel. In end, scriptures tell us, Christ will be all in all. He will hold us, people of races, nationalities, ethnic groups, political parties, religious sects and creeds, forever in his infinite loving embrace. We will be forever with Lord - and with others, our friends, neighbours, and enemies Jesus Christ commanded us to forgive, to bless, to love. …

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