
Special place in the language of literary text is appointed to the category of evaluation, as it is associated with the manifestation of subjective beginning in the language that addresses the cognition of objective reality and represents one of the complicated and controversial sections, which attracts attention of the linguists, philosophers, psychologists, etc. In the center of this research is the examination of evaluative lexicon in the novel “Raskovnik” by I. K. Kalashnikov”. Since the novel is dedicated to the life of Old Believers dwelling in Buryatia, the language of the text is unique and features multiple dialectisms, as well as emotionally evaluative words. The goal of this research lies in determination and analysis of the peculiarities of explication of evaluative lexicon in the novel. The methodological framework contains the studies of N. D. Arutyunova, E. M. Volf, T. V. Markelova and other scholars, which reflect the theoretical principles of the category of evaluation. The scientific novelty consists systematization of evaluative lexicon based on the material of the novel “Raskovnik” by I. K. Kalashnikov. As a result of this research, the author revealed the most significant areas of evaluation in this novel, among which are a person, his appearance, character traits, worldview, stance on life, and existence overall. The analysis of evaluative lexicon allows to better understand the meaning of the novel, gives a fuller perspective on its the characters, and reveals the peculiarities of the writer’s individual style.

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