
Introduction. The paper focuses on the problem of linguistic realisation of theconceptual field TURKEY in Russian media discourse. Topicality of the research is determinedby the necessity of revealing the mechanism, which would explain the ways of verbalizationof the dynamics of conceptual field TURKEY taking place in cognitive structure of the text.Purpose. The paper aims at working out the structure of conceptual field TURKEYand illustrating its estimated dynamics grounded on the ways of this concept verbalizationin Russian media texts of 2010th.Methods. The investigation is made provided the method of conceptual analysis andthe methods of componential analysis as well.Results. Analyzing the evaluative dynamics of conceptual field TURKEY in Russianmedia discourse gave the reason for structuring this concept, describing its nuclear and waysof its interconnection with other concepts. Thus, the evaluative dynamics of this conceptualfield in Russian media discourse of 2010th is presented in the paper.Conclusions. Dynamics of conceptual field TURKEY is a complex system, which isgrounded on the interconnection of nuclear concept TURKEYwith other concepts ofAGRESSION,for instance: CONFLICT, ANMITY, POLITICS, WAR, etc. Depended on the concept which maydominate at this or that situation, evaluative meaning of the concept TURKEY or its subconceptsmay also change.

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