
to analyze scientific evidence on evaluation strategies for active learning methods in health undergraduate programs. integrative literature review in the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Nursing Database, Scopus, Web of Science and Education Resources Information Center databases. different evaluation strategies are used: Presentation of seminars, Self-evaluation, Evaluation of student performance in Tutotest-Lite tutoring, Peer Evaluation, Active Learning and Critical Thinking Self-evaluation Scale, Objective and Structured Clinical Exam, Portfolio, Progressive Disclosure Questions, Modified Dissertation Questions, Progression Test, Dissertation Test, Objective Test, Immediate Learning Checks, Clinical Case Resolution and Cumulative Test. evaluation strategies in active learning are used in combination, aiming at the affective, cognitive and psychomotor development of the student. However, studies with greater power of scientific evidence would be needed.


  • The term “evaluation” has several meanings and, in general terms, it refers to the validation verification of the teaching-learning process, through an accompaniment of the biopsychosocial dimensions of the student

  • The 14 articles selected for the discussion of this integrative review include all the pre-established inclusion criteria, as shown in Chart 1

  • In the characterization of the articles, four Brazilians were found, four Americans, and the others are from different countries and continents

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The term “evaluation” has several meanings and, in general terms, it refers to the validation verification of the teaching-learning process, through an accompaniment of the biopsychosocial dimensions of the student. It should be understood as a cooperative action between teacher and student, in which both are benefited and guided during the construction of knowledge and, it should be dissociated from the punitive character[1,2,3]. Bloom et al[4] divided the educational objectives into domains, each one consisting of categories arranged in a hierarchical and interdependent manner In this sense, the student needs to master the level at which he is to advance to the next. The domains and their respective main attributes are: 1) the Affective, represented by attitudes, behaviors, respect, feelings, values, and the five categories of this domain are Receptivity, Response, Appreciation; Organization and Characterization”; 2) the Cognitive, which means the ability to recognize facts, patterns, and concepts, as well as the willingness to constantly develop, and the objectives of this domain form six categories - Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation; and 3) the Psychomotor, which is related to physical abilities, but other scholars have broadened its characteristics to include reflection, perception, the ability to develop improved movements, and non-verbal communication, and, in this domain, the categories are Imitation, Manipulation, Articulation, and Naturalization”(4-5)

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