
AbstractThe offer of the same course simultaneously for thousands of students, whether in classroom teaching or in distance learning, requires standardization to compare performance between classes and to evaluate the success of the teaching–learning processes. This can be made easier through digital technologies. This study aims to present an Evaluation Process (EP) designed for an Introduction to Programming course (IP) for students of the Bachelor's Degree in Science and Technology (Engineering Education) at the Federal University of ABC. Initially, the course scenario is presented in the classroom modality, Face‐to‐Face (IP‐FF), offered to about 2,000 students every year, identifying the problems, and then, describing the EP designed and applied in Blended Learning classes (IP‐BL). This includes the use of software tools developed for this purpose. The two scenarios (IP‐FF and IP‐BL) are compared using data from all the classes of the previous 9 years.

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