
To become a qualified international talent, University students must improve their English level. At present, there are so many researches on improving the university students' English level, most of them are about the ranks of teachers, teaching methods, teaching equipment and teaching means, this paper will research from the effect of University Students' English level impact factor to determine first level, second level indicators, establish evaluation system model. We provide reference for university management education, University English teachers and university students. Introduction With the development of global economic integration, the requirement of international talents is becoming higher and higher. To become a qualified international talent, university students must improve their English level. At present, there are so many researches on improving the university students' English level, most of them are about the ranks of teachers, teaching methods, teaching equipment and teaching means, this paper will research from the effect of University Students' English level impact factor to determine first level, second level indicators, establish evaluation system model, by using analytic hierarchy process, and establish judgment matrix, then calculate results and check consistency, finally draws the conclusion. We provide reference for university management education, University English teachers and university students. Model Construction of University Students' English Proficiency For the influential factors of university students' English level, the author gave 300 questionnaires to university English teachers and university students, and recycled 294. Survey university students English level influence factors, compute statistics, finally determine the impact factors of university students English level, second level indicators. The primary indicators of influencing factors of University Students' English proficiency includes English basis, teaching staff, teaching methods and learning methods. In the two level indicator: English basis includes listening, speaking, reading and writing. Teaching staff includes experience strength, moral character, professional knowledge, physical and psychological quality. Teaching methods includes writing teaching, multimedia teaching, case teaching, group discussion. Learning methods includes positive learning, cooperative learning, inquiry learning Teaching contents includes teaching objectives, teaching difficulties, teaching methods, teaching steps. Political accomplishment includes love motherland, political belief, political learning, theoretical level. 6th International Conference on Social Network, Communication and Education (SNCE 2016) © 2016. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 37 R ad in g W rtin g English basis Teaching staff Teaching content Teaching method Learning method L iten in g Influencing factors of college students’English proficiency S p ak in g P h y scal & p sy ch o lo g ial q u ality M o al ch arcter E x p eien ce sren g th P ro fssio n al k n o w ed g e T each in g o b jctiv es T each in g step s T each in g d ificu lies T each in g m th o d s G ro u p d icu ssio n W rtin g tach in g M u tim ed ia tach in g C se tach in g C o o p eativ e larn in g P o sitiv e larn in g In q u ry larn in g Figure 1. University Students' English level impact factors Analytic Hierarchy Process The analytic hierarchy process is to decompose the elements which are always related to the decision, the target, the criterion, the plan and so on, and then make the qualitative and quantitative analysis. At first, establish the model, and then construct the judgment matrix, make the level of single row and test consistency finally. The first class comparison matrix:

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