
Common audiometry used in hospitals uses the 2AFC (Two Force Choice) method, which has a large and predictable bias. In this research, the three-force choice (3AFC) method is proposed for a smaller bias to measure hearing threshold. A hearing test was conducted on 50 participants. Three kinds of audiometric tests are used, including conventional, Pychoacoustic, and portable audiometry. A validation test was carried out by comparing the results of Pychoacoustic and portable audiometric tests using the 3AFC method with the golden standard (conventional audiometry). Pychoacoustic audiometry is unable to display the hearing threshold value in accordance with that shown by golden standard audiometry (conventional audiometry), where the mean value is 18.0–43.0, and standard deviation is 7–12 . However, the portable audiometry test is able to display a threshold value that is close to the golden standard audiometric results, with a mean value of 11—28, and standard deviation value of 3—6 . Based on the statistical calculation of the Wilcoxon test and Bonferroni's correction, it can be concluded that data collection using Pychoacoustic outdoors and Portable in the relevant room has performance that is parallel to the golden standard test (sig value >0.05).

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