
Abstract The difficulty of representing high rainfall variability over mountainous areas using ground-based sensors is an open problem in hydrometeorology. Observations from locally deployed dual-polarization X-band radar have the advantage of providing multiparameter measurements near ground that carry significant information useful for estimating drop size distribution (DSD) and surface rainfall rate. Although these measurements are at fine spatiotemporal scale and are less inhibited by complex topography than operational radar network observations, uncertainties in their estimates necessitate error characterization based upon in situ measurements. During November 2015–February 2016, a dual-polarized Doppler on Wheels (DOW) X-band radar was deployed on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State as part of NASA’s Olympic Mountain Experiment (OLYMPEX). In this study, rain gauges and disdrometers from a dense network positioned within 40 km of DOW are used to evaluate the self-consistency and accuracy of the attenuation and brightband/vertical profile corrections, and rain microphysics estimation by SCOP-ME, an algorithm that uses optimal parameterization and best-fitted functions of specific attenuation coefficients and DSD parameters with radar polarimetric measurements. In addition, the SCOP-ME precipitation microphysical retrievals of median volume diameter D0 and normalized intercept parameter NW are evaluated against corresponding parameters derived from the in situ disdrometer spectra observations.

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