
A squall line was recorded in Dayyer port over southwest of Iran, on 19 Mar 2017. In the present paper, we have simulated the characteristic features associated with the squall line by Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model using five different microphysics (MP) schemes. For validating the simulated characteristics of the squall line, the latitude-height and longitude-height cross section reflectivity and precipitation value derived from observed reflectivity gathered by Doppler Weather Radar at Bushehr, synoptic weather station data at Dayyer port along with NCEP-NCAR and ERA-INTERIM reanalyzes data were used. To verify the simulated precipitation, the Fractions Skill Score (FSS) curve was calculated. Examining the simulation results for geopotential and sea level pressure show that the model simulations using different MP schemes, agree well with the verifying reanalyzes. Also, the spatial rainfall distribution of simulations and verifying observations did not show big differences. However, there are significant differences in the details of simulations such as the maximum reflectivity of the convective cells, vertical extent of the storm cells, speed and direction of the wind, rainfall values and FSS curves. Though, all of the simulations have shown convective cells over Dayyer port at the time of occurrence of the squall line, but, only the model simulation using Lin MP scheme is consistent with the corresponding radar reflectivity and vertical extent. The FSS chart showed that the skill changes with spatial scale. Results using Lin microphysics scheme crossed the FSSuniform line at lower scales when compared to other MP schemes.


  • We use the Advanced Research version of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) (ARW), version 3.9, which is a compressible, nonhydrostatic and scalar-conserving state-of-the-art atmospheric model (Skamarock et al 2005) for the simulations of the Squall line and seiche events associated with the thunderstorm observed over Dayyer port located in southwest of IRAN on 19 Mar 2017

  • The squall line convective phenomenon and the seiche event occurred in the morning of 19 March 2017 over southwest of Iran and were recorded in Dayyer port and Jam synoptic meteorological stations. shows the spatial and time distribution of maximum reflectivity observed by the Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) at Bushehr station which represents the genesis, growth and extension of the squall line event

  • In this paper, a squall line observed over Dayyer port (Iran) on 19 Mar 2017, was simulated using WRF model with 3 km grid spacing

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Mesoscale convective systems that are linear or quasi-linear can generate heavy rains, hail, detrimental winds, and even sometimes tornadoes, called squall line (Meng et al 2012). Various researches have been conducted to reveal the cloud microphysics sensitivity of the models with in the prediction of thunderstorms, squall lines and associated precipitations over different region (e.g. McCumber 1991; Reisner et al 1998; Gilmore et al 2004; Naegele 2014; Tan 2016; Shrestha et al 2017; Stergiou et al 2017; Chawla et al 2018; Eltahan and Magooda 2018; Gboode et al 2018).

Details of the squall line
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