
The scope of the paper is an attempt at the identification of the weathering-resistance classes within clastic rocks by means of analysis of capillary pressure saturation curves. The porosimetric parameters corresponding to the cementing character and the grains’ mineralogical content are very important features of stone building materials, because of the weathering processes. The analysed rocks were Polish sandstones and muddy sandstones used for building purposes, collected from different geological units of Poland (i.e. Sudety Mts. Carpathian Mts. and Holy Cross Mts.) The results indicate the usefulness of sandstone materials for building purposes. They could also be used in conservation procedures and for the reconstruction of existing buildings and monuments. Basing on the parameterisation, with the van Genuchten function, of cumulative capillary pressure saturation curves, it was possible to distinguish four groups of the sampled rocks. The lithological features and weathering sustainability within the groups are quite uniform, what allow identifying the weathering resistance classes. Taking into account the complicated nature of all the factors influencing weathering processes, it is supposed that the presented parameterisation could be a useful tool for weathering-resistance classification of clastic rocks. The classification could be useful in building industry and in conservation of historical stone monuments.

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